Immerse insights:

  • The core feature of Immerse is our live, instructor-led VR French, Spanish, and English lessons, where experienced instructors teach small groups.
  • Each class focuses on a particular communication goal, like asking for directions or placing an order, and takes place in a fully interactive 3D environment such as a city center or cafe. 
  • You may be having too much fun in class to notice, but all of our lessons are designed around the most current research on best practices for virtual reality language learning.


Pedagogy is just a fancy way of saying “Our approach to education.” At Immerse, we recognize that language is social. We take a learner-centered approach that fosters engagement, meaningful interactions, and a supportive community of learners. 

Two students in the form of avatars completing a language activity and giving a high-five

ENGAGEMENT: Our lessons are built around real-world content that gives you the skills to actually use your new language - right away. This means you’ll learn faster, enjoy the experience more, and gain the confidence you need to use the language for authentic communication.

MEANINGFUL INTERACTIONS: At Immerse, you participate in activities that are collaborative and mirror real-life situations. Learn more on why meaningful interactions are a must in language learning.

SHARED EXPERIENCES: Having a supportive community of learners lets you share your knowledge and help one another practice outside of the formal learning opportunities we have built for you. 

Lesson Structure

Across all levels, the goal of our lessons is communication, so we’ve designed each lesson as a unique opportunity for you to master a  specific communicative task. 

This might mean learning to ask someone about their hobbies, make a complaint about a service, or offer to help someone out. Tasks are spiraled across levels, so as your language skills get stronger, you can revisit these tasks at increasing levels of complexity. 

Avatars in a VR doctors office where a screen shows Spanish phrases like Usted necesita and Usted tiene que

Each lesson is structured to guide you gently through the steps you’ll need to master a communicative task, starting with learning new words and phrases and gradually progressing to a real conversation. But the activities are so fun you may not even notice you’re learning until the end, when you suddenly realize you’re able to communicate independently.

Immerse instructors place you at the center of the learning experience, guiding you into using the language with a small group of fellow learners. Your instructor will also give you feedback on the language you produce during each activity, meaning you’re going to learn how to express your own ideas rather than just trying to memorize some script.  It’s truly a customized learning experience.

Each lesson ends with you engaging in an authentic interaction, such as asking someone for a favor, getting directions, or ordering your favorite meal. Since you’ll already be in a scene where this type of interaction is likely to occur, the experience will be authentic and memorable. And since our expert instructors are a fun group of people, you may find yourself doing a lot of laughing while you’re at it.

At the end of each lesson, feel free to stay in the scene with your fellow Members to do a group activity provided by your instructor. This is the perfect time to get to know your fellow Immerse Members and practice what you just learned.


Our approach is based on extensive research on best practices in immersive language learning, and each lesson has been designed by an experienced curriculum developer according to Immerse’s pedagogical principles of engagement, meaningful interactions, and shared experiences. 

We believe that by understanding our approach, you’ll know you can trust the process. So all you need to do is show up and let the results speak for themselves!

A banner that says Immerse: Start your free 14-day trial today and shows a thumbs up in front of a shelf filled with books, flags, a globe, and a Quest 3 VR headset